2-1-1 or 800.339.6993
7.1.1 if hard-of-hearing; then ask for 2-1-1
Information and referrals for food, housing, clothing, legal assistance, counseling and other social services. 2-1-1 operators provide assistance in many languages.
Veterans Crisis Line (for Veterans and their families/friends):
1-800-273-8255, press 1
Los Angeles and National Crisis Hotlines:
Trevor Project LifeLine: 866-488-7386 (24/7)
LGBT Suicide Prevention
L.A. Co. Mental Health Referrals (24 hours): 800.854.7771
Veterans Crisis Line (for Veterans and their families/friends):
Text: 838255 (24/7)
Online Chat: http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ChatTermsOfService.aspx
Dept. of Veterans Affairs responders
Friendship Line: 888.448.9777
Mental Health of LA; Mon-Fri: 6pm-10pm; Sat-Sun: 2pm-10pm; mhala.org/friendship-line.htm
Elders Friendship Line (24 hours): 800.971.0016
ioaging.org; 60+ and also younger disabled individuals (don’t need to be disabled if 60+)
Suicide Prevention Crisis Center (24 hours): 877.727.4747
Hopeline Suicide Lifeline: 1-800-SUICIDE
Assaults Against Women Hotline (24 hours): 310.392.8381 (South LA); peaceoverviolence.org/emergency
Women’s and Children’s Crisis Shelter (24 hours): 562.945.3939
wccshope.org; info@wccshope.org
Child Protection Hotline (24 hours): 800.540.4000; TDD: (800) 272-6699
County Dept. of Child Services; dcfs.co.la.ca.us/contactus/index.html
Rape Crisis Hotline (24 hours): 213.626.3393
Rape Treatment Center (24 hours): 310.319.4000
1250 16th St, Santa Monica, CA 90404; FREE
Cocaine Anonymous (24 hours): 310.216.4444
Narcotics Anonymous (24 hours): 909.622.4274
California Youth Crisis Line (24 hours): 800.843.5200
Substance Use Treatment Referral Line: 1-800.662.HELP (4357)
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.TALK (8255)
Child Abuse Report: 1-800.4.A.CHILD / 1-800.422.4453
Children in Immediate Risk or Danger (24-hours): 1-800.THE.LOST (843.5678)
The National Center for Missing or Exploited Children
National Runaway Safeline (24 hours): 1.800.RUNAWAY (786.2929)
Provides crisis intervention and assistance to runaways. Gives referrals to shelters nationwide. Allows messages to, or sets up conference calls with parents at the request of the child.
Angel’s Flight Shelter:
Los Angeles, CA 90057
Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (24 hours): (866) 331-9474
Youth/Runaway Hotline (24 hours): (818) 551-1300
Children of the Night; Protecting Children from Prostitution; http://www.childrenofthenight.org/mission_statement.html
Substance Abuse Treatment Referrals: (800) 564-6600
CyberTipline for Reporting Exploitation of Children: http://missingkids.com/cybertipline
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Domestic Violence Resource Hotline (24 hours): 1.800.799.SAFE (7233); 1.800.787.3224 (TDD)
Referrals for shelters and counseling in your area
LADA Domestic Violence Hotline (24 hours): 1-800-978-3600
1736 Family Crisis Center (24 hours): 213-745-6434
“Since 1972, 1736 Family Crisis Center has been responding to the growing needs of victims of domestic violence, runaway and homeless youth, homeless families, unemployed adults and youth, and other low-income community members in need of assistance.”
Jenesse Center for Domestic Violence
24/7 Hotline: 800.479.7328
Eldercare Locator (for Elder Abuse): 1.800.677.1116
National Center on Elder Abuse
NAMI Helpline (National Alliance on Mental Illness): 1.800.950.NAMI (6264)
Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.- 6 p.m., EST.; info@nami.org
Mental Health America: 1.800.969.6642 (M-F, 9-5 EST)
Provides free information. Has referral directory to mental health providers, national directory of mental health associations
National Institute of Mental Health Information Line: 1.866.615.6464
Provides information and literature on mental illness by disorder – for professionals and general public; provides referrals to relevant voluntary health organizations.
SAFE (Self-Abuse Finally Ends) – 1.800.DONT.CUT (366.8288)
LAHSA Emergency Response Team (ERT)
LAHSA Hotline: (213) 225-6581
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
LAHSA ERT offer the following services for people in the City and County of Los Angeles who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness:
- Direct emergency services and transportation
- Emergency services and shelter referrals to homeless families and unaccompanied adults and youth
- Emergency assistance and referrals to social service agencies
- Outreach services to homeless encampment dwellers
STDs & HIV/AIDS Hotlines:
STD Hotline: 800-758-0880
HIV Hotline: 800-367-AIDS (2437)
CA Department of Public Health, Office of AIDS: 1-800-367-2437; M-F 9am-4pm (PST)
American Social Health Association: (800) 227-8922
General Info/Testing & Prevention (CDC): 1-800-232-4636
General Info/Treatment (US DHHS): 1-800-448-0440
HIV Health InfoLine (Project Inform): 1-800-822-7422; M-F 10am-4pm
After Hours Emotional and Crisis Support: 1-800-628-9240; 5pm-5am
Occupational Exposure PEPline: 1-888-448-4911