Jenesse Center

Jenesse Center

For shelter and other assistance, call the
Jenesse Hotline | 1-800-479-7328
Available 24 Hours A Day | 7 Days A Week

Jenesse Center, Inc. is the oldest domestic violence intervention program in South Los Angeles. The Center was founded in 1980 by five African American women who were survivors of domestic violence. Our mission is to provide victims of domestic violence with a comprehensive, centralized base of support to assist them in addressing their immediate crisis and changing the patterns of their lives.

Domestic Violence Crisis Hotline

* Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
* Coordination of emergency transportation
* Initial intake
* Paraprofessional counseling

Case Management

* Assists clients in assessing their needs and goals
* Coordinates the receipt of all services and participation in programmatic classes
* Advocates for housing solutions and financial resources
* Facilitates “Client Domestic Violence Certification” program
* Assists client in developing a self-determined plan for self-sufficiency

Vocational Education Program

* Professional Education: computer skills, resume writing, career counseling, job search
* Financial Freedom Program: budgeting, banking, saving
* G.E.D., Community College and Online degree program enrollment

Mental Health Program

* Individual, group, peer and family counseling by registered MFT counselors and interns
* Domestic Violence Education classes
* Empowerment and Enrichment classes
* Anger Management classes
* Substance Abuse groups
* Sexual Assault groups

Legal Services

* Legal education including legal rights and safe environment training
* Procure restraining orders
* Emergency protective orders
* VAWA immigration
* Landlord tenant disputes
* Section 8 housing
* Civil law
* Family law
* Court accompaniment

Jenesse Legal Clinic
For Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
Located in the Inglewood Superior Courthouse
Don Stephenson: (310) 419-6788

Children and Adolescent’s Enrichment Program

* Parenting classes
* Children’s case management
* Individual and family counseling
* Tutoring and educational activities
* JMAC: After-school parent-child relationship building program
* Holiday programs and activities
* Camp Jenesse – Summer Enrichment Program


* Assessments by registered nurse
* Health care referrals and follow-up services
* Health education classes: nutrition, fitness and healthy living, stress relief


* Available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week
* Collaboration with law enforcement to ensure safe transportation when necessary
* Client transportation available for: housing, medical and dental appointments; social service appointments; Jenesse programmatic classes
* Court appointments

Educational Programs

* 40-Hour Certified Domestic Violence Training
* Domestic Violence outreach to schools, businesses and the greater community
* “Stop the Hurting” Program for the education of employers about the impact of domestic violence on job performance
* “BeSo You!” youth program for teens and tweens

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